Yesterday I participated in an educational chat on Twitter that's dedicated to the collaboration of elementary school educators.  It uses the hashtag #elemchat and participants meet every Saturday at 4pm (Canadian) Central Standard Time to discuss a topic that #elemchat users have voted on.  

I have found a program that is going to make classroom transitions to paperless, seamless!  It's called Glogster EDU and it allows you to create custom and interactive online posters that include pictures, videos, text, audio, graphics, and links. 

Today I was thinking about how I am going to document my learning for ECMP 355.  I have Google Reader set up, I manage my comments, and I have my blog posts categorized but I was wondering about how I could show the growth in my site layout and design (because I am constantly changing things as I come up with and come across new ideas.)  

Something I've always wanted to do is learn about wild mushrooms - specifically where they grow and which ones are safe to eat.  It's not like I plan to get lost in the middle of nowhere without food anytime soon, but the art of wild mushroom picking is a skill that very few people seem to possess nowadays.  And why would they?

Not too long ago, I came across the site called while I was looking for resources for a lesson plan I was creating to help teach young kids about animals and environmental issues.  When I first entered the site, I was immediately drawn to the "Live Cams" tab on the page that streams live (video) footage of various animals from all over the world.  The first live cam that I began to tune into on a regular basis was a tundra-buggy cam that followed a family of polar bears around, near Churchill, Manitoba (Canada).  It was fascinating to me that I could watch these magnificent animals swim, fish, sun bathe, and chase each other from my computer desk!  I would watch the bears in the morning before I had to go to school or work and check on them throughout the day whenever a computer was nearby (as I do not have a cell phone with internet browsing capabilities!)  

The next live cam I began to watch was one that tracked beluga whales along the Northwest Passage.  Again, I became so consumed with watching their every move.  Here I was watching a real, live version of an animal that I remember reading about very often as a kid.  My latest live cam (ob)session involves four young panda bears from China called Zhi Chun, Qing Shan, Zhao Yang, and Ao Ao. The bears are constantly getting into something and they wrestle a lot like my dog and cat do!

What I've learned from all of these experiences on is that technology can connect you with more than just people - it can connect you with animals and ecosystems from anywhere and everywhere (and being the animal lover that I am, this really helps technology score big-time brownie points with me!)  Even if I never make it to the arctic or to China, I can still see and experience what certain aspects (that I'm interested in) are like.  I would definitely integrate a site like into my classroom because if I enjoy it this much, I can only imagine how much my students would love learning about and alongside animals from around the world.

Here's the link to see it for yourself:!/live-cams